Monday, April 07, 2008

The Butterfly is beautiful. And its Clarence favorite color and her Mom's way of moving on, collecting all butterfly stuff. If you can hear the song [All or Nothing] I have inserted in this page, that's her fave too . (If I remember it right). Just before she was taken from us.

It happened like 5 years ago, it was a fine day, she was on her way to UP for a school project with her classmates. They were standing on the sidewalk, in front of 7-11, drinking slurpee....when suddenly a jeepney lost its break and hit those teenagers. Everyone was hurt, some had fractures, one lost an ear, but only my cousin left this dimension that moment. I believe she didn't feel the pain, because we did, everyone she left behind, her Mom, Dad, sister, brother, her family, us and her friends, we are the ones who felt the pain. I believe she was in the state of oblivion. I reckon seeing a poem on top of her casket and a line goes like "but when I heard HIM call my name, I knew its time, I turned around and went with HIM. Forever with me, I shall love thee, but if you may, set me free"

Moving on...I remembered her today, for no particular occasion. And I miss her so much. And so as the other friends of mine who left in such a hurry and did not waived goodbye....Shelly, So and Lee. Hi guys, we are still taking it one day at a time.

One day at a time.

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