As day by day I show more signs of memory loss [yep name it I dont remember it!, from simple movie, or expression, or even a should be unforgettable scene in my past, more often than not...I dont remember it happening.] So to save myself the tears when I cant remember it anymore, I decided to write down every journey I should remember about my Jon from birth till date.
At the age of:
1 mo - Weight of 8.4 Lbs at birth almost half doubled.
He doesn't sleep with the lights turned on. He drinks milk more than he should. He doesn't like water. He doesn't want his poo touching any side of his ass, or else..doomsday! His cries sounds like unye, unye, unye. His first outing was in Rain Forest, Pasig City. Actually we went there, but we didn't really swim. Others swim, we ate! hehehe
3 mo - First foods
Banana, various cereals, and from time to time they will let him taste dinuguan, pancit, cake or whatever is in the table. Just a pinch.
4 mo - First flight
After 3 months of agony for Mommy & Daddy, Jon finally came to Dubai. I remember seeing him in the airport, almost naked because he was so tired and restless, my Mom can no longer keep Jon's clothes on. He was looking so white and cutie! I was asking myself, actually my husband and I was asking ourselves if this is really Jon. He is so bigggg! And he looks like Japanese!
6 mo - First Step
He was taking his little steps one a time, holding on to our walls in the flat in Al Baraha. I cant forget the warmth feeling inside me. My baby is walking!!!
8 mo - Dancing
He imitates the dancers in GMA Channel, Itaktak mo, and Kagat sa Labi!
10 mo - First Swimming
We stayed overnight in Jumeirah open beach. During the night he was afraid to step on the sand bec it was dark. But in the morning he wanted to runnnnn and when his father bought him to the sea, he started giggling! He loved every moment of it!
12 mo - First Birthday
Lovely party of course. Manage to gather some 5 - 7 children of his age level and celebrated in McDo, Al Ghurair, Dubai. Give me a break, we are in Dubai and most of the people I know are still single. 7 children guests is actually an achievement. Most of the Filipino baby here celebrates their birthday party without any children guests! This month also ended our every month celebration for Jon's bday! And those every month celeb. were not simple, mind you, I had to pull everything I can to come up with stuff like Spag, Palabok, Pancit, Lasagna, Baked Mac, Bechamel, and thats every month!
16 Started Talking!!!
Finally he started talking clearly. For the past months, he can actually utter the words, Mama, Baba, Dede but this month he was able to express himself better. He refers to himself as Jonjon. He changed how he call us to Mommy, Daddy, but still Dede. He is a very fast learner....tell it to him once, and he gets it! He can actually answer the following questions:
- What is your name?
- How old are you?
- Where do you live?
- What is the name of your Mommy? Daddy?Lola?
- Who is your favorite Nangnang?
22 Lilo & Stitch
Every single day he ask for this cartoons! And not only once a day, he watch these movies more than twice or sometimes more than 3 times a day! Wwaaaaa He fell in love with the movie, Nemo too. Sadly I lost the CD, but Jon doesn't forget Nemo. He still ask for it every day.
23 Bowling
He loves to play bowling, his first score was 56! Not bad really...Mommy rarely gets that score! He remembers where the bowling area is in Emirates Mall! The ball weighs 6 Lbs, and he can lift it up and push it on his own, but of course Mommy wont let him. I laughed so loud in Starbucks when he was asking everybody specially her Lola to stop from talking and instead go bowling. He said like this: Lola tama na daldal, boding na tayu. Hahahaha...